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Glasgow Mural Trail: The Ultimate Guide With Map (2024)

There’s so much amazing street art on the Glasgow Mural Trail. Wandering the city streets and discovering the street art is one of the best things to do in Glasgow. Whether you decide to take a Glasgow street art tour or take a self-guided tour on your own, you need to see at least a few of these beautiful works of public art during your time in the city.

Glasgow graffiti is some of the best that I’ve seen in the world. It’s bright, colorful, and meaningful. Plus, it’s possible to embark on a free walking tour in Glasgow to see all of the art. Most of the Glasgow murals are within walking distance of one another. I’ve even found a few bonus works of art in Glasgow to see beyond those found on the official Glasgow Mural Trail.

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Glasgow Mural Trail

Seeing the murals in Glasgow is one of the best free things that you can do in the city. Take a look at my one day Glasgow itinerary if you’re spending just a short time there and looking for things to do. That itinerary incorporates the Glasgow mural trail into a fun-filled day.

Why Street Art in Glasgow?

Back in 2008, the very first piece of street art in Glasgow was splashed across a city wall. This collection grew over the last few years with something for every taste and style, from more conventional styles to ones that are quirky and strange.

In 2014, the Glasgow Mural Trail in the city centre was officially launched to promote the growing collection of murals there. Essentially, street art in Glasgow provides new life to tired buildings and vacant sites. These beautiful Glasgow murals revitalize these structures.

Spectacular art all over the city allows both locals and tourists alike to have new appreciation for otherwise neglected and unsightly places. Furthermore, this Glasgow graffiti brings people to the city centre, inviting them to visit local businesses and attractions.

Glasgow Mural Trail Map: A Self-Guided Tour

Here’s a map of every mural mentioned in this article on the Glasgow Mural Trail. I’ve listed these in order as you read this article so you’re able to easily walk from one mural to the next. There are over 30 murals listed here, so you can easily spend at least half a day seeing them all.

How to use this map: Click on each icon to learn more about each location. To reference this map at a later date, click the star next to the map’s title. It will save the map to your Google Maps account. Then, open Google Maps and go to “Your places” in the menu to see this map.

Glasgow Mural Trail: Guided Walking Tour

While this blog post shows you exactly how to embark on a self-guided walking tour of the Glasgow Mural Trail, you might decide to take a guided walking tour instead. While you’ll see many of the Glasgow Mural Trail pieces on a guided walking tour, you’ll also be able to discover many hidden gems.

You’ll learn about the stories behind the works and encounter a whole variety of works of public art: street art, graffiti, stencil art, multimedia pieces and murals. If you love art, local culture, alternative travel or anything remotely offbeat, I highly recommend booking a Street Art Walking Tour

Glasgow Mural Trail: A Complete Guide

Come along with me on a tour of the Glasgow Mural Trail. Nothing beats seeing it in person for yourself. But, I’ll give you the next best thing: viewing it through my lens from your own chair anywhere in the world.

Artivism Mural

This mural showcases six panels that represent the progress of both artistic styles and social change over time. It uses text and imagery from news reports, flyers and posters from the past, reflecting social movements and modern concepts. You’ll find this one on the side of the University of Strathclyde’s sports centre.

Strathclyde University and UCI CWC 2023

Glasgow Mural Trail: Strathclyde University and UCI CWC 2023
Strathclyde University Murals: UCI CWC 2023 Mural and Wonderwall Mural

The Strathclyde University “Wonderwall” mural tells the stories and achievements of Strathclyde and its students. There are three different murals on the sides of the seven story buildings, painted by Rogue-one and Ejek.

Wonderwall Mural in Glasgow
Strathclyde University Wonderwall Mural
Wonderwall Mural in Glasgow
Strathclyde University Wonderwall Mural
Strathclyde Mural Satellite
Strathclyde Wonderwall Mural – Satellite

One image shows the vibrant and diverse community that makes up the students that attend Strathclyde. The staff and students of Strathclyde University come from over 100 countries around the world. There’s another mural spanning the height of a building that displays a telescope and a satellite.

UCI CWC 2023 - Glasgow Mural Trail
UCI CWC 2023 Mural
UCI CWC 2023 - Glasgow Mural Trail
UCI CWC 2023 Mural

A new addition to the stretch of buildings at Strathclyde University is the mural for UCI CWC. Glasgow hosted the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships. This mural encapsulates 90s nostalgia and cycling imagery in bold, vibrant colours. It wraps around the building from George Street to Montrose Street across the car park.

St Enoch and Child

St Enoch and Child
St. Enoch and Child Mural

Australian artist and Glasgow resident, Smug, has created several Glasgow murals that stunning and evocative. Smug painted this photo realistic work of street art in Glasgow using a cherry picker as it spans several stories of a building.

St Enoch and Child depicts the patron saint of Glasgow, St Mungo, as a young child being breastfed by his mother, St Enoch. It is widely praised by Glaswegians. Not only does it encourage mothers to breastfeed their children, but it dispels the stigma against breastfeeding older children. 

Glasgow Street Art: Saint Mungo

Glasgow Street Art: Saint Mungo
St. Mungo Mural

The Saint Mungo mural is another fantastic work by Smug. It was never officially named; however, it acquired its name after the image was shared approximately 1.5 million times in its first week. It shows the patron saint of Glasgow, Saint Mungo, wearing modern street clothes. It’s one of the most famous works of Glasgow street art.

When Mungo was a child, some boys threw stones at some birds and struck a robin. While the boys ran away, Mungo picked up the bird, smoothed its feathers, and prayed. After a short period of time, the bird came back to life and flew away. It was a miracle.

Fellow Glasgow Residents

Fellow Glasgow Residents
Fellow Glasgow Residents Mural

Smug does it again! This is one of the largest displays of Glasgow street art, spanning the entire wall facing a parking lot. It features “Fellow Glasgow Residents”, the animals that live in Glasgow’s parks and green spaces. You’ll see cows (“hairy coos”!), squirrels, chipmunks, birds, deer, foxes, and so many more.

Fellow Glasgow Residents
Fellow Glasgow Residents Mural
Fellow Glasgow Residents
Fellow Glasgow Residents Mural
Fellow Glasgow Residents
Fellow Glasgow Residents Mural

There’s so much to look at in this sprawling piece of street art in Glasgow. I love all of the intricate details and the shadows. It really appears to be so three dimensional, as though I’m transported right to that nearby forest or trail.

Bow Down, Honour the Roots Mural

Bow Down, Honour the Roots Mural
Bow Down, Honour the Roots Mural

Bow Down, Honour the Roots was created as part of COP26. The mural features Isidro Sangama Sangama and Puyr Tembé, two important Indigenous figures, along with imagery of birds, trees, and the Scottish symbol of a unicorn.

There’s also a tapestry below the mural with a poem created by participants of a storytelling workshop, which eventually led to the creation of the mural itself. This mural is a monument to the representation of diverse Indigenous communities, and was created by local community organizations and Indigenous people of Glasgow.

This was also the site of the former Badminton mural. I’ve displayed an image of that at the bottom of this blog post under the “Past Glasgow Mural Trail” murals section. You can see that the top of the man’s headdress is a portion of the shuttlecock from the old badminton mural. It’s so cool when elements from former murals become part of new ones.

Space Man

Glasgow Mural Trail: Spaceman
Spaceman Mural

You might miss Spaceman if you aren’t looking for it. Tucked down a very narrow alleyway (which made it a challenge to capture with my camera), Spaceman features splashes of colors against an otherwise barren wall. Artists Recoat and Ali Wylie demonstrate their influences: Japanese design, pop art, and graphic novels.

Study of a Woman in Black & Study of a Woman in Black 2

Study of a Woman in Black is actually two murals featuring anonymous women wearing black clothing. James Klinge, formerly known as Klingatron, creates super detailed portraits from stencils. These women look incredibly lifelike in both murals, found just down the street from one another.

Study of a Woman in Black Mural
Study of a Woman in Black 2 Mural

A newer addition is the Study of a Woman in Black 3, which I haven’t seen yet myself. It isn’t close to the first two works, but it’s up closer to the Glasgow Museum of Art. I’ve marked it on the map so you can find it.

The Clutha

The Clutha
Glasgow Mural Trail: The Clutha and CR Mackintosh

The Clutha bar made headlines back in 2013 when a police helicopter crashed into it, killing 10 people. The bar partially reopened a year and a half later, and this mural wraps around the building.

The Clutha
CR Mackintosh Mural

The Clutha Mural and the CR Mackintosh Mural above it pay homage to the history of the area and the people who visited this iconic bar, known for its live music and vibrant atmosphere. Artists Ejek and Rogue-One painted this beautiful street art in Glasgow, featuring icons like Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

The Clutha
The Clutha
The Clutha
The Clutha
The Clutha
The Clutha

Since my first visit in 2019, there are a variety of new faces and characters that wrap around the building. Created by Rogue-One, Art Pistol, Ejek and a variety of artists, these works celebrate the personalities who have visited the Clutha Bar in Glasgow.

Glasgow Mural Trail: Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly Mural
Billy Connolly Mural

To celebrate his 75th birthday, BBC Scotland commissioned three Glasgow murals of actor Billy Connolly. This mural was created from an original work by John Byrne, and painted by Rogue-One. These were showcased as a surprise tribute in a special BBC programme, Billy Connolly: Portrait of a Lifetime.

In the show, Connolly states, “I thought I’d be all light-hearted on seeing them and jokey – but they’re so big, the effect on me is so profound. People going to that length for me, it’s just taken my breath away.”

Thomas Muir Mural

Thomas Muir Mural
Thomas Muir Mural

The Thomas Muir Mural lies a little bit beyond the Billy Connolly Mural. You may need to peek through a fenced off parking area like I did. Thomas Muir was a leader and voice of reform for Scottish democracy. This mural was created by Rogue One and Art Pistol Projects as a tribute to freedom, democracy and universal suffrage.

Are Ye Dancin’?

Are Ye Dancin'? Mural
Are Ye Dancin’? Mural

This stop on the Glasgow Mural Trail features two colorful walls on opposite sides of a tunnel. Painted by Conzo Throb, it’s right in the middle of a busy shopping area, tucked down a narrow passageway. It’s playful, quirky, and imaginative.

Are Ye Dancin'? Mural
Are Ye Dancin’? Mural
Are Ye Dancin'? Mural
Are Ye Dancin’? Mural

You might recognize the figure on the “Are ye dancin'” side as the Duke of Wellington statue with the traffic cone on his head. On the “Are ye askin?” side, the girl has a bottle of Scotland’s popular Irn-Bru drink over her shoulder. I love this playful work of Glasgow street art.

Good as Gold

Good as Gold is a mural by Conzo & Globel. It features a Freddo, a chocolate treat, that seems to keep going up in price every couple of years. It pokes fun at the fact that this chocolate used to be only 10p or 20p…and now it may as well be gold wrapped up in the package.

The World’s Most Economical Taxi

The World's Most Economical Taxi Mural
The World’s Most Economical Taxi

There’s a gritty, industrial feel as I stroll down Mitchell Street on an early morning. I couldn’t really see a reason to walk down this street, other than to view another work of Glasgow graffiti by Rogue-One. It might be one of the best ways to combat gridlock…have your taxi float up in the air above the roads!

An interesting quote from the artist, “Can’t believe I painted a wall to look like a brick wall just because I wanted a brick wall!” Rogue One will likely be repainting this iconic artwork in Glasgow soon as it’s well worn over the years and needs a little facelift.

Honey…I Shrunk The Kids

Honey...I Shrunk The Kids Mural
Honey…I Shrunk The Kids

It’s another super realistic and brilliant work by Glasgow resident, Smug. Just when you thought that your trip down Mitchell Street was over, this gorgeous work of art in Glasgow comes into view.

It’s an over-sized woman with a magnifying glass, appearing to pick up something very small. I love the little details like the “Smug” necklace around her neck. The above photo shows just how massive this mural is, as you can see how tiny I look!

Wind Power

Wind Power Mural
Wind Power Mural

Rogue-One brings another spectacular work to the streets of Glasgow in the Wind Power mural. As a third mural on Mitchell Street, you’ll realize that it really was worth the trek down this fairly deserted road. You’ll see a woman blowing on a dandelion, and all of its seeds are actually windmills.

As part of the Doors Open Day 2014 event, it represents and celebrates sustainable energy in Glasgow and Scotland. I recently took a Glasgow street art tour with Walking Tours in Scotland, and our tour guide pointed out some interesting details surrounding this mural.

Wind Power mural with googly eyes
Not Dead Yet stencil art in Glasgow

For instance, someone added googly eyes to one of the windmills (you can only see it when looking up close). Then, around the corner, there’s another stencil work of art added by Tony Trowbridge, also known as “Not Dead Yet”, which is reportedly an image of his ex-girlfriend looking pretty angry.

Dr Connolly I Presume?

Dr Connolly I Presume?
Dr Connolly I Presume?

It’s another commemorative Billy Connolly work by Rogue-One, and it represents a Jack Vettriano painting. It demonstrates Connolly on a stormy coastline near John O’Groats. This work on the Glasgow Mural Trail takes up an entire wall on Dixon Street.

Glasgow Street Art on the River Clyde

Glasgow street art and graffiti

Since my first visit to Glasgow in 2019, there has been a huge increase in the amount of street art along the River Clyde. I highly recommend going for a walk down by the river to see all of the graffiti there.

Glasgow street art and graffiti
Glasgow street art and graffiti
Glasgow street art and graffiti

Go for a stroll on the River Clyde to see many works of art, and I’m sure there will be new ones when you visit, too. It’s one of the best areas to see street art in Glasgow. If you take a Glasgow street art walking tour (as mentioned in my “Fun Things to Do in Glasgow” guide), you’re likely to pop down here to see them.

Portrait Gallery
Portrait Gallery

Artist James Klinge created an amazing series of portraits in a work dubbed “Portrait Gallery”. These portraits are incredibly realistic, and you can really see all of the detail and patterns when you get up close to them.

Portrait Gallery
Portrait Gallery
End Youth Homelessness Mural
End Youth Homelessness Mural

These Glasgow murals are right near Glasgow Central Station, beneath a bridge. There are lots of other works of graffiti and street art on these expansive walls, including a poignant one calling to end youth homelessness.

Today We’re in Love, Aren’t We?

Today We're in Love, Aren't We?
Today We’re in Love, Aren’t We?

This newer addition to the Glasgow Mural Trail, “Today We’re in Love, Aren’t We?” showcases a wide variety of the amazing architecture that you can find in Glasgow. It celebrates 30 years of the Doors Open Days Festival and the buildings that are a part of the program. It quotes a line from “The Bargain” by Glaswegian poet, Liz Lochhead: “Yes today we are in love, with the whole splintering city”.

Generation Green

Generation Green Mural
Generation Green

This mural was painted by Smug in partnership with Scottish Power during COP26. It showcases an image of a child planting wind turbines in Scotland as a hope for a greener future. It’s painted on the exterior of the SP Energy Networks’ Newton Street Substation building.

The Swimmer

The Swimmer Mural
The Swimmer

It’s one of Smug’s first works of street art in Glasgow. He painted The Swimmer for Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games. Beneath a highway overpass, it’s in surprisingly good condition as it’s protected from the elements.

This piece on the Glasgow Trail Mural is fitting as it’s right beside the River Clyde. The piece is incredibly lifelike, except it’s absolutely massive. The water and waves look so realistic around the swimming man.

Street Art in Glasgow: Bubbles

Bubbles by Rogue One is some of the most beautiful street art in Glasgow, tucked down Renfield Lane. There are two walls that are painted: one shows little girls blowing bubbles, and the other shows a little pug looking up at the bubbles.

Bubbles Mural
Bubbles Mural

The bubbles look so realistic, not only with the different colours inside the bubbles, but the shadows they cast on the walls. Renfield Lane is between Hope Street and Renfield Street, so be sure to go wandering down this little lane to see these brilliant Glasgow murals.

The Musician

The Musician Mural
The Musician

The Musician, by Rogue-One, is a tribute to Glasgow’s live music scene. It’s between two popular music venues, Howlin’ Wolf and Malone’s. The nearby Sauchiehall Street has loads of entertainment in the evenings, which means this colorful work of art is precisely in the proper place.

Glasgow murals and street art

Though not officially mentioned as part of the Glasgow Mural Trail, here’s another work on the opposite wall It shows a woman with her eyes closed in black and white.

The Lost Giant

The Lost Giant was created by Australian artist, Stormie Mills. He has painted “Lost Giants” in many cities all around the world. Glasgow received its own Lost Giant over the entrance to Sauchiehall Lane, and it’s decorated with a Glaswegian tartan scarf.

Garnethill Garden Mural

The Garnethill Garden Mural is a project by The Glasgow School of Art and St Aloysius College. It highlights the Jesuit theme of “Care for a Common Home”. Not only does it celebrate taking care of the common home in Garnethill, but it also brightens up a public space.

Afro Scot

Afro Scot is located in the southside of Glasgow and it highlights the growing African community in the city. In this mural, you’ll see a group of women cooking a meal. This mural serves to welcome all people to Glasgow and promotes a message of inclusivity.

More Glasgow Murals and Glasgow Street Art

Beyond the official Glasgow Mural Trail, there is even more street art to see in this vibrant and colorful city. There are works of public art in Glasgow all over the city. You just need to keep your eye out for it. Looking for more things to do in Glasgow besides street art? Check out my one day Glasgow travel guide!

Street Art by Fuse

Glasgow Street Art by Fuse

Although the style is reminiscent of Banksy, small pieces of street art by Fuse are popping up all over Glasgow. I stumbled upon one as I searched for other art on the Glasgow Mural Trail. It’s always wonderful to accidentally come across even more outdoor art. When researching some information about Fuse after the fact, I saw that he painted a Pikachu and a Poke-Ball in other places around Glasgow. I wish I had stumbled upon those!

Coll Hamilton Street Art by Purrple Cat Cafe

Coll Hamilton Street Art by Purrple Cat Cafe

Coll Hamilton painted one of the works at The Clutha. Here’s another one just around the corner from the Purrple Cat Cafe in the historic Glasgow city centre.

Glasgow Murals at Kelvinbridge Station

Glasgow Murals at Kelvinbridge Station

Just outside of Kelvinbridge Station, here’s an amazing Glasgow street art work that looks like it belongs with the “Fellow Glasgow Residents” mural. It shows a squirrel on top of a skull. This has to be a work by the artist Smug, who painted the other similar street art.

Ashton Lane Street Art

There are even more Glasgow murals outside the City Centre. We found this wall around the corner from Ashton Lane, looking like a flight of stairs going up to the second level. There are painted flowerpots up the staircase to a window with real flowerpots and plants.

Ashton Lane Street Art
Ashton Lane Street Art

Glasgow Murals Inside Restaurants and Cafes

You might even find murals inside the restaurants and cafes themselves! The Glasvegan, one of the best vegan restaurants in Glasgow, has a playful tribute to the Duke of Wellington equestrian statue, with a carrot on his head instead of a pylon (because: vegan).

Glasvegan mural
Papercup Coffee Mural

Papercup Coffee Company showcases art that inspires us all to “dream big”. If you’re looking for more cafes in Glasgow, check out my guide to the best Glasgow coffee shops.

Past Murals from the Glasgow Mural Trail

Street art is always changing and evolving. Over time, some of the old murals on the Glasgow Mural Trail have faded. Many are painted over with new murals. Some walls were temporary and no longer exist.

I’m going to keep a record of some of the old murals on the Glasgow Mural Trail here so you can see them. Even though you’re no longer able to see this street art in person, I’ve forever memorialized it here.


Badminton Glasgow Mural Trail

There were a series of murals in Glasgow to promote the 2014 Commonwealth Games, and Badminton is one of them. There are some other ones depicting people playing rugby, hockey, and netball. This mural was painted over and it’s now the home of the mural, “Bow Down, Honour the Roots”. In fact, you can still see the top of one of the shuttlecocks at the top of the new mural as part of the man’s headdress!

Crazy Cat Lady

Crazy Cat Lady Mural

Here is a mural showing many cats on Sauchiehall Street. It’s called “Crazy Cat Lady” and it’s a collaboration between Rogue and Art Pistol.

Crazy Cat Lady Mural
Crazy Cat Lady Mural

The art is painted on hoarding that was erected following the demolition of Victoria’s nightclub on Sauchiehall Street. You’ll see this one while walking around this pedestrian area, and it provides cute imagery and a bright burst of colour to this space. Unfortunately, these murals no longer exist.

Shadow Hand Puppets

Shadow Hand Puppets Mural

Justin and I stumbled across Shadow Hand Puppets in a tunnel as we walked towards the University of Glasgow and Ashton Lane from Glasgow’s City Centre. Rogue-One brings life back to an otherwise dingy underpass. Hands cast shadows of animals on the wall, while other animals look on. Sadly, this mural has tons of graffiti on top of it and is no longer visible.

The Gallery by Smug

The Gallery is Smug’s interpretation of many famous works of art, including Van Gogh’s Starry Night, Munch’s The Scream, and the Mona Lisa. If you take a closer look at the Mona Lisa, you’ll notice that she’s holding a can of Irn-Bru in front of the Clyde Auditorium. She’s been dubbed, “The Mona Lassie” by Glaswegians. It’s another one that I noticed was sadly defaced. This art no longer exists.

Glasgow Panda

Glasgow Panda

Directly opposite one of my favorite attractions in Glasgow, The Lighthouse, you’ll find Glasgow’s Panda. Created by Klingatron, he used hand-cut stencils to paint this memorable piece of street art. Unfortunately, the Glasgow Panda is no longer there. There is another new mural at the end of the laneway, however.

Mural near the old Glasgow Panda

It’s always a shame to see beautiful works painted over, but that’s the nature of street art. It’s always in a state of flux with new ones popping up, old ones being painted over, and murals continually changing.

Glasgow’s Tiger

Glasgow Tiger

The Glasgow Tiger was definitely my favorite artwork on the Glasgow Mural Trail. Klingatron has illustrated another image of a tiger on top of the old one that used to live at this site. Sadly, the Glasgow Tiger is no longer there.

More Blog Posts About Scotland

We’ve spent months exploring Scotland on multiple trips: a two week road trip around Scotland, a hiking holiday to the Highlands, multiple city breaks, and we even got married in Edinburgh! Justin and I have so many amazing experiences to share with you. I’ll continue to add articles to the blog to help you plan your future adventures in Scotland.

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Dr Abbas Virji,

Thursday 18th of April 2024

I had no idea the sheer numbers of high quality murals in Glasgow now. Have not been there since 1961 ! Must revisit

Lauren Yakiwchuk

Thursday 18th of April 2024

And more and more keep popping up, too! You must return :)